For the fourth year in a row The Community is ready with an exciting program for the Vinter Jazz Festival with their concert series Multiply.
The Community is organizing a concert series of three evenings with a total of 10 concerts on respectively the 12/2, 14/2 and 16/2. You can expect intense listening experiences with inclusive, innovative and intuitive music.
20h Open session
21h Maria Dybbroe/ Ståle Liavik Solberg
22h Sonore Wandbehaenge (DE)
19h Jazzcamp for Piger
20h KREW
21h Skärmtid
22h The Way Out
20h Pata 3
21h Mia Dyberg Trio
22h Open session
Participating Artists
JazzCamp for Piger
Since both the concert series Mulitply and Community in general, have diversity and inclusion as cornerstones, it was natural to invite some of the participants for this year’s version of JazzCamp for Piger to play a concert within our program.
JazzCamp for Girls is a music camp for girls between 10-15 year old who want to learn jazz and improvisation and play with others. JazzDanmark and Copenhagen Jazz Festival is supporting the popular camps, which takes place every year during the winter holidays at music schools and institutions throughout the country.
Maria Dybbroe / Ståle Liavik Solberg
Maria Dybbroe – alto sax, clarinet, synth
Ståle Liavik Solberg – drums, perc
Ståle Liavik Solberg og Maria Dybbroe mødtes for første gang i Oslo i efteråret 2018, hvor de regelmæssigt begyndte at spille duo-sessions af ren interesse for den andens spil og som en sjov måde at øve sammen på. Der skulle dog gå et helt år før denne deres første koncert – så glæd jer til en helt frisk debut!
Ståle Liavik Solberg er en af Norges fremmeste improvisations-trommeslagere og -perkussionister kendt for sin meget personlige lyd, sit helt særlige ultra-slim trommesæt og sin ustoppelige nysgerrighed. Han har spillet meget med John Russel, men også i projekter med Steve Beresford, Frode Gjerstad, Paal Nilssen-Love, John Butcher, Lotte Anker mfl.
Maria Dybbroe er en ung saxofonist, improvisator og komponist som de seneste år har været en meget aktiv spiller som solist og kapelmester på den mere eksperimenterende del af den københavnske og aarhusianske jazzscene, bl.a. som en del af grupperne Køs og Cactus.
Mia Dyberg Trio (DK)
Mia Dyberg – Sax
Asger Thomsen – Bas
Kresten Osgood – trommer
Mia Dyberg Trio plays Freejazz inspired by W.S. Burrough’s poetry mixed with compositions by Dyberg, Thomsen or collectively improvised. Clean Feed Records released the debut album “Ticket!” Which received brilliant reviews in jazz magazines such as 4 stars in Downbeat Magazine (USA) and was selected for 12 points (IE) and AKUT Festival 2019 in Germany. For this Vinterjazz concert they invited Kresten Osgood who for the past 20 years has been a central role in the Danish music scene and has performed with many of the country’s leading musicians. It is said that he is the best thing that has happened in Danish jazz since the 80s.
Open Session
What we call an Open Session is a concept for group improvisation where a person leads constellation of musicians put together for the occasion, in front of an audience. It can be through graphic scores, conducting with various techniques and hand signs or other propositions. The purpose is to create a space for musicians from the 3 different collectives to play together, within a frame and in a direction set in forehand. Again and again, we have experienced strong bonds between musicians and seen relationships build up through playing together.
Pata 3 (DK)
Jonas Engel – Sax
Asger Thomsen – bas
Simon Forchammer – trommer
The trio plays compositions by bassist Asger Thomsen. It’s free jazz with a twist of hard-boiled simplicity and something more unfathomable. Poignant structures enclose free-flowing material from the subconscious.
Sonore Wandbehänge (DE)
Otto Hirte – sopransax, flute, clarinet
Leon Albert – guitar
Marius Moritz – piano
Sebastian Braun – bass
Halym Kim – drums
The five musicians arrange Erik Satie’s piano compositions for their instrumentation and create room for improvisation within them, to interpret the pieces with the perception of a musician of the 21st century. In January 2014, at the HfM Dresden ensemble contest, the quintet was awarded the eco-prize from BASF for the best interpretation of contemporary music. Since then, they’ve been playing numerous concerts all over Germany, for instance at the Jazznachwuchsfestival 2015 in Leipzig.
Skärmtid (DK/SE/NO)
Nana Pi Aabo Larsen – tenor saxofon (DK)
Herman Müntzing – elektronik (SE)
Knut Finsrud – trommer (NO)
Skärmtid is an organic creative trio that embraces the moment. The music could be described as abstract experimental melodic noise.
The Way Out (DK)
TS Høeg – altsax
Mads Egetoft – tenorsax
Jonathan Aardestrup – bas
Jens Lopes – trommer
Since 2007 The Way Out has been an exceptional, expressive and extraordinary jazz band that is musically inviting as well as challenging.
The playfull explorations of TS Hawk and Mads Egetoft sparkle from a timeless conjunction on the energetic free-swinging foundation of Jens Lopes on drums and Jonathan Aardestrup on bass. It is dead sharp and free as a bird.
KREW / Tomo Jacobsen Group
Tomo Jacobsen – Bass
Mads Egetoft – Sax, Keys
Taus Bregnhøj Olesen – Guitar
KREW er en trio bestående af tre visionære musikere fra Københavns nye bølge med improviseret musik: saxofonist og keyboardist Mads Egetoft (Boujeloud, Kresten Osgood Quintet), guitarist Taus Bregnhøj-Olesen (Yngel, Klimaforandringer) & bassist og midibbonist Tomo Jacobson (Warmbladder , Moonbow). KREW fører sit publikum på en mærkelig genreoverskridende vej gennem dekonstruerede landskaber af det, der engang var musik. Forbered dig på rå energi i dets reneste form.